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Found 17710 results for any of the keywords officer arrested. Time 0.007 seconds.
National Post TodayRead latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. National Post offers information on latest national and international events more.
Police Brutality Chicago Police Officer Opens Fire At The Car Full OfA video of Chicago police officer shooting towards unarmed black teenagers was released few days ago. This incident occurred in 2013, but the video wasn t released until the civil complaint was filed against the city of
Police Brutality GTA In Real Life: Police Officer Captured Ramming PoDashcam video shows Arizona police officer in a Tucson suburb, swerving the car around another police vehicle, speeding up and running over a suspect who was carrying a rifle. This incident occurred on February 19th, but
Police Brutality VideosA video of Chicago police officer shooting towards
News Flash • District Attorney Donnelly Announces Creation oSearch autocomplete is currently not responding. Please try again later.
Police Brutality Police TheftRoswell, New Mexico- Christopher Ray Moreno (22)
Police Brutality LAPD Shot Unarmed Man And Then Handcuffed HimLos Angeles- Friday around 6:35 p.m. at Los Feliz Boulevard and Tica Drive south of Griffith Park, police shot unarmed man in the back of the head, because he had a towel in his hand.
Police Brutality Police ViolenceSt. Louis- A federal civil rights lawsuit filed Tuesday
Police Brutality Police StupidityRoswell, New Mexico- Christopher Ray Moreno (22)
Police BrutalitySt. Louis- A federal civil rights lawsuit filed Tuesday
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